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Emergency Management Preparing in Response to Impending Flood

Emergency Management Director Jamie Jones leads the meeting concerning the response to the impending flood on Feb. 23, 2018. Photo by Carrie Gloeckner.

MEIGS COUNTY, Ohio – Officials met Feb. 23, 2018 at noon to discuss and plan for the impending flood of the Ohio River all along the Meigs County.

From fire departments, law enforcement, health department, to emergency management, all levels of agencies were evaluating the current information and setting plans in action for the flood response. Unlike the President’s Day weekend flooding that impacted relatively few homes and businesses compared to what has been predicted for next several days with 54.1 in Pomeroy. However, on Feb. 23, the prediction was revised to be 51.8 in Pomeroy and 48.2 in Racine. While levels dropped in the prediction, depending rain up river, the numbers could rise again.

The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) met at the Meigs County Emergency Operations Center and will be handling the county response to flooding. Emergency operations will be in effect beginning at 8 a.m. on Feb. 24, 2018. More information will be forthcoming.

The Meigs Independent Press will continue to update this developing story.

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