September 11, 2024

Meigs County Fair file photo. Meigs Independent Press photo.

Meigs County Fair file photo. Meigs Independent Press photo.

State Waives Local Match for Fairs

Grant Program

All County and Independent Fairs Eligible for $50,000 in Capital Improvement Funds

REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio – Governor Mike DeWine announced today Ohio Department of Agriculture Director Dorothy Pelanda is waiving the required $50,000 local match for the Agricultural Society Facilities Grant Program, allowing all county and independent fairs to be eligible for $50,000 with no match. This could mean opportunity for the Meigs County Fair as well.

Ohio’s operating budget set aside $4.7 million in the program to help fairs make necessary facilities and grounds improvements. Fairs could apply for the $50,000 grant with a required $50,000 from local governments and businesses. This waiver will allow fairs access to money for improvements without the local match.

“I understand the financial hardships many are experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Director Pelanda. “While it is uncertain whether fairs will be able to safely operate this year, they still have facilities expenses. The Ohio Department of Agriculture wants to ensure each fair has access to these important funds.”

Fair managers must apply and qualify for the grant money. The application deadline is May 30.