September 15, 2024

Workers from Racine Village install one of the Armed Forces banners on Third Street in Racine, Ohio. Photo by Carrie Rose.

Workers from Racine Village install one of the Armed Forces banners on Third Street in Racine, Ohio. Photo by Carrie Rose.

Armed Forces banners go up around Meigs County

RACINE, Ohio – What started as an idea has become a reality. Beginning with Racine, and spreading throughout the county, banners are going up honoring veterans from Meigs County.

The Meigs County Armed Forces Banner Project got underway before the pandemic. The hopes had been to have the banners up for Memorial Day 2020, but as with many things delayed last year, so were the banners. This year, however, the banners are going up. Each banner features a veteran, if possible, a photo of the veteran, their rank, branch of service and when they served. Those that were awarded a Purple Heart are also recognized with a Purple Heart medal in the corner of their banner.

From left, Charley Pyles works with Richard “Weasel” Lyons to install the holders for one of the Armed Forces banners. Photo by Carrie Rose

A lot of fundraising, planning and processing the hundreds of entries for the project were done by volunteers. Those volunteers do not want to be recognized for their work. They maintain that this is about the sacrifice of Meigs County’s veterans, not the volunteers.

“We never doubted it could be accomplished, but it was definitely a challenging project during challenging times. We were only sidestepped, not stopped, by a global pandemic. We are beyond thrilled to finally be at this step in the process. We can’t wait to see the names and faces of the more than 600 brave men and women of Meigs County proudly displayed throughout our communities,” read a statement to the Meigs Independent Press from the volunteers.

The plan for the banners at this point is to have them up at least by Memorial Day through to Veterans Day throughout the county.

“As we move forward into the installation phase of this project, we are ecstatic to see the diligence and determination of so many come to fruition. With Spring in the air, you will see us continue working to get all banners installed prior to Memorial Day. We are hopeful that, as our Veterans and Active Duty return home, they will see and feel the respect they deserve. We also hope this instills or revives the sense of pride and patriotism within our communities and its members. As you eventually make your way through each town, we encourage you to take time to reflect on the very names and faces proudly displayed on each banner. Their willingness to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude. To those in uniform currently serving and to those who have served in the past, Meigs County honors you today and every day,” stated the volunteer group.

Already residents have been out looking at the banners to see those they know, remembering the service of current and past Meigs Countians that answered the call to serve their country. Banners have been or are being placed in addition to Racine, including Rutland, Middleport, Pomeroy, Chester, Reedsville and Tuppers Plains.

It was made possible by volunteers that took an idea from a conversation to reality and those that donated toward making the project happen. “We want to give a special thanks to all the volunteers who are helping with the install and to all the people and businesses who donated to the project. We appreciate you,” added the volunteer group.

One of the 600 banners recognizing veterans in Meigs County. This one hangs on Third Street in Racine recognizing PFC Jacob Holman, Sr. Photo by Carrie Rose.