September 12, 2024

Volunteers work on firefighting skills during a class needed for certification. Carrie Rose photo.

Volunteers work on firefighting skills during a class needed for certification. Carrie Rose photo.

Volunteers train to become firefighters

RACINE, Ohio – The Racine Volunteer Fire Department recently hosted a thirty six hour basic fire class.

The class was instructed by Brian Dunn and Darrell Wright from Welston Fire Department training academy. There were a total of 14 volunteers that participated in the training from three different departments in the county. The three departments represented with students were Racine, Syracuse, and Chester.

The volunteers were instructed in the basics of volunteer firefighting. Students obtain entry level knowledge of fire service in the areas of ladders, ventilation, personal protective equipment, hoses and water movement. The state requires each individual to pass the 36 hour course and pass a state exam to become a volunteer firefighter. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer firefighter, contact your local fire department.