September 13, 2024

Meigs Health Matters:  National Infant Immunization Week 2023

April 24 – 30, 2023 is National Infant Immunization Week. Each year, NIIW celebrates the critical role vaccination plays in protecting the health of our children and families — and this year we’re reminding parents of the importance of staying up to date with routinely recommended vaccines following disruptions from COVID-19.

As a parent, you want to protect your little one from harm. Vaccinating your child according to the recommended immunization schedule gives him or her the best protection against 14 serious childhood illnesses — like measles and whooping cough — before the age of 2.

The Meigs County Health Department (MCHD) encourages you to make sure your child is up to date on vaccines by ensuring that they haven’t missed any check-ups. Well-child visits are essential. The MCHD offers vaccinations on a walk-in or appointment basis Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 12 PM and from 1 PM to 4PM. We serve both insured and uninsured individuals. For immunization questions, please call 740-992-6626.

Leanne Cunningham