September 10, 2024

2017 Meigs County Cleanup Day. Photo by Madalyn Wood.

Meigs County Cleanup Day. Photo by Madalyn Wood.

Meigs County residents can cleanup around the house May 13, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. by bringing household items, junk, scrap metal, and old electronics to the Meigs County Fairgrounds for free.

You can also bring up to 10 passenger and truck tires per vehicle for a $0.50 fee per tire, CASH ONLY no debit/ credit cards or checks accepted . NO FARM TRACTOR TIRES or tires on rims accepted.

Items not accepted will be general household trash, household hazardous waste (paint, chemicals, cleaners, pool chemicals , and used oil), fluorescent lamps, pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers, medical infectious or biohazard waste.

Funding and support provided by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency , the Meigs Soil and Water Conservation District , Meigs County Health Department ,Gavin Power Plant, and the Meigs County Commissioners.

When asked how this event helps Meigs County, Steve Swatzel from the Meigs County Health Department stated “This event could not be accomplished without the funding provided by Ohio EPA’s Recycle Ohio Grant. It grew out of a partnership between the health department , commissioners, and soil and water conservation to help reduce the amount of open dumping occurring along the roads and on properties. The targeted materials are still old furniture, mattresses, scrap tires and any other bulky solid waste. The collection and recycling of scrap metal has really taken off over the past couple events. It really helps to reduce the amount going to the landfill. Last year we helped Rural Action collect slightly used medical equipment from the items brought to the event. They are planning to do so again this year. Lastly, the ability to unload 300-400 vehicles in 5 short hours has greatly depended on all the volunteers from several other local government agencies, schools, organizations and the general public, Judge Powell and the Meigs County Juvenile Court provides several youth that are in their programs to assist with the event.”

For more information you can contact the Meigs County Health Department at 740-992-6626.