September 10, 2024

(Information provided by Middleport Mayor Fred Hoffman) 

Middleport Village Council met in regular session on May 8 at village hall with Mayor Fred Hoffman presiding.  Present were the following: Council members Brian Conde, Matt Lyons, David Dowler, Ben Reed, Shawn Arnott and  Tyler Andrews. Also present were Fiscal Officer Susan Baker, Village Administrator Joe Powell ,  Police Chief Mony Wood,  and Village Attorney Richard Hedges,  along with visitors  Mary Wise,  Nancy Burns and Bill Lambert.   Opening prayer was given by Matt Lyons  followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

The following were approved unanimously by council: Minutes of the April  24 meeting and payment of bills as approved by the finance committee.

The Mayor stated that the replacement of the village roof project has been advertised for bids and that bids would be due at the next council meeting.

The Mayor stated that four new doors had been ordered for the firehouse and were expected to be installed within several weeks. Susan Baker stated that she had talked to Home National about a loan for the project. They had made an offer of 60 months financing at an interest rate of 6.99% interest. After a short discussion, it was agreed that the other local banks would be contacted about the interest rate and a decision would be made at the next meeting on what bank the financing would take place with.

Hoffman stated that Andy Blank would discuss the lagoon cleaning project at the next meeting since he was not able to attend the meeting tonight.

Susan Baker stated that the computer updating system had been discussed with Travis Grate at the finance committee meeting and that the finance committee recommended that council move ahead with this project with an  estimated   total cost of $2633.89 being paid from ARPA funds. After a brief discussion with finance committee members, council unanimously approved the project and all agreed that this would be a great improvement to our computer system. Baker stated that the finance committee had also made some other suggestions for use of the remaining ARPA funds which included $5000 to be used as the payment on the fire department doors for 2023, installation of a new booking system for the jail and commode replacement for approximately $27,000 with the balance of ARPA  funds of $7750.50 being used for recreation. Council members unanimously agreed to these proposals.

Baker discussed  Ord. 152-23, an  amendment to Ord. 112-18 to increase reimbursement amount to volunteer fire fighters which was discussed at the last council meeting,. This was unanimously approved by council.

Ordinance 153-23, an ordinance to allow for a 10% discount on monthly refuse amounts for senior citizens. After a short discussion, a first reading was given to this ordinance.

A lengthy discussion was held by the finance committee and council on the need for additional funds for operation of the fire department. Several options were discussed with final decisions to be made at the next council meeting. Ideas suggested were the possibility of a two mill levy being put on the ballot to assist with operating funds for the fire department. Joe Powell also stated that the fire department was looking at ways to cut costs on new equipment by looking into the possibility of using mini-pumpers at some point in the future in replacement issues on fire vehicles since trucks have become so expensive.

Powell stated that the police and village employees had been trained on the use of the  new AED’s which the village recently purchased with USDA funds. Five new AED’s were purchased and placed in various areas of the village where they will be available when needed.

The Mayor stated that Powell, Jimmy Spears and Mony have been working together this week in getting some of the areas around town cleaned up.

Brian Conde stated that he would like to have a report from Jimmy Spears or have him attend council meetings to  keep council members aware of what was going on in this area,

Council adjourned with the next regular meeting scheduled for May 22 at 7 PM at village hall.

(Information provided by Middleport Mayor Fred Hoffman)