July 26, 2024

Discovering There is More Women’s Brunch at Star Mill Park

RACINE, Ohio – Women Igniting Women is hosting a women’s brunch at Star Mill Park in Racine on May 20, 2023.

“Discovering There is More Women’s Brunch” event is designed to be encouraging of women. The brunch is for women only and women from around Meigs County are encouraged to attend according to Alexis Hupp.

There is no cost to attend this brunch. Organizers are asking those planning to attend to indicate they are through the Facebook event so they may plan on having food for the event. Hupp said the event is being held at Star Mill Park so women with children may attend. The park has a large playground where the children may play while the women are listening to speakers. Speakers will be sharing their own experiences.

“I know from experience that there are times in our life that we just know that there is more, but we don’t always know what that more is or how to start tapping into that more. I was in this position. I knew that something was missing, but I just could not put my finger on what it was exactly. About two years ago, I had hit a really dark place and my marriage was suffering from various things. I still knew that there was something missing and I found my missing link! This event is to help others find their missing links,” said Hupp.