
Farmers Bank Warns Consumers About Regional Scams

image003Recently, Farmers Bank and other local banks have been made aware of numerous scams and cases of identity theft that is hitting our local area. Help all local banks fight fraud and protect your personal information by doing the following:

– Be suspicious of correspondences that state you have won the lottery, have a family member out of the country needing money, or request that you

wire, send transfer, or send money in order to claim a prize, deposit, inheritance, or loan of any kind.

– Be cautious of releasing personal and account information. Do not release this information unless you initiated the call and are certain you are

speaking to the right entity.

– If you are unsure or suspicious about any type of communication you receive, do not give any personal information and call your bank


– If you receive any automated phone calls or text messages stating your card has been deactivated,

do not give out any information. Call your bank and verify your card status.

– When in doubt: hang up. If you speak to the entity who is attempting fraud, it is encouraging them to call back and get more information. Do not

give out any information to them at all, even if you do not think it will be harmful.

– Be mindful that if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

If you believe your personal or account information has been compromised, contact your bank immediately.