October 22, 2024

(Editor’s note: The Meigs County Sheriff’s Office Deputies respond to all sorts of calls. The notebook is a listing of the public record of those calls. All suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.)

On Monday, Nov. 6, 2017 the Meigs County Sheriff’s Office assisted with an investigation with Ohio University and other calls.
Assist OU P.D.: Deputy Stacy assisted Ohio University Police department with a search warrant at a Salem Street residence in Rutland.
Suspicious Person: Sgt Jones checked a report of a male subject inside the Tuppers Plains Post Office. The male advised he was inside getting warm. The male was asked to leave the property. No further action was taken in this matter.
Suspicious Person: Deputy Stewart and Sgt Patterson responded to report of a female yelling in the woods along Dexter Road. When units found the female walking along the railroad tracks she was having some issues and was transported to the Sheriff’s Office where she met with a counselor from Woodland Centers. The female was later taken to a family member.
Identity Fraud: Sgt Patterson took a report from a male, who reported that someone had used his identifying information to open an account with Verizon Wireless, and there was now an outstanding bill in his name. The incident remains under investigation.
Domestic Violence: Deputy Stewart responded to a residence on Mitchell Road in Racine on a report of a Domestic. When Deputy Stewart arrived, and spoke with the parties involved there had not been any violence or threats, just a disagreement over child custody issues. No further action required.

On Tuesday, Nov. 7, deputies handled several domestic calls and other incidents.
Domestic Dispute: Deputy Stacy responded to 41530 Fox Hill Pomeroy for a possible domestic dispute. The female caller refused to make a statement and stated she only wanted someone to talk to the male. No further action was taken in this matter.
Trespass: Deputy Campbell took a report from Birdie Rood about someone trespassing on her property in Reedsville. This incident remains under investigation.
Disorderly: Deputy Stewart responded to Dollar General in Racine on a report of female in a verbal altercation with the store clerk. Upon his arrival Stewart spoke with the clerk who identified the female and described the female as having mental issues and was arguing over everything. The situation had calmed down prior to Deputy Stewart’s arrival and no charges will be filed.
Domestic Violence: Deputy Hupp along with Deputy Stewart responded to Locust Street in Rutland on a report of a Domestic. When units arrived, and spoke with the parties involved it was determined that no charges would be filed, and the parties agreed to separate for the night.

On Wednesday, Nov. 8, Deputies respond to several calls including suspicious vehicle, theft and domestic violence.

Suspicious Vehicle: Sgt Jones arrested Warren M. Shirkey, age 60, South Charleston WV, for Driving Under Suspension and Physical Control after the vehicle he was driving was parked along the roadway on State Route 143.
Domestic Violence: Deputy Campbell responded to Brown’s trailer park on a report of a Domestic. When Campbell arrived, he spoke with the parties involved and they reported arguing over animals in the household. There had not been any physical violence or threats, so no charges were filed in this incident although they did separate for the day.
Theft: Deputy Stacy took a report of a stolen vehicle. After some investigation it was determined that the vehicle had not been stolen and that it is a civil matter that must be handled amongst the involved parties.
Alarm: Deputy King responded to an alarm at a business on State Route 681. Upon arrival, the buildings were checked along with a key holder, and everything appeared to be secure. Unknown cause for the alarm activation.
Unruly Student: School Resource Officer Patterson handled a call of an unruly student at Southern High School. The student was referred to the principal, and the matter was taken care of.

Deputies conduct well being checks, and other matters on Thursday, Nov. 9.
Well Being Check: Deputy Barnhart and Sgt Jones responded to a Reedsville residence for a well- being check. The male was found to be fine and he stated he would contact his family.

On Friday, Nov. 10, deputies were involved in a pursuit.
Theft: Dispatch received a call from Meigs Holzer ER advising they needed a deputy to come out and take a theft report. Deputy Fennell arrived and spoke with the hospital staff and the victim. Deputy Fennell was advised that the victim had left his coat unattended in the waiting room when he went back to check on a friend that was being treated. When he returned to the waiting area his coat was gone. According to the Meigs County Sheriff’s Office, ER Security checked the surveillance video which showed a female, later identified as Angela D. Lambert, 43, of Racine, taking the coat. The victim’s keys were also in the coat and Lambert is allegedly seen using the key fob to locate his car in the parking lot. As she reportedly approached the car she was apparently scared off by someone’s presence in the lot. She returned the keys to the ER but kept the coat and left the area. Charges have been filed for theft on Lambert.
Pursuit: Ohio State Patrol dispatch contacted our office advising that they have a unit in pursuit on Wolf Pen Rd. Deputies were dispatched to assist. Just prior to the Deputies catching up to the chase OSP terminated the pursuit due to visibility and safety reasons. Deputies and the Trooper continued to patrol the area looking for the suspect vehicle, a black Chevy Cobalt. It was not found.
Unruly Juvenile: School Resource Officer Hupp met with one of the Meigs School buses in reference to an unruly juvenile. The student was removed from the bus and transported to his residence without incident.
Jail Response: Deputies responded to an incident in the jail with one inmate being removed and taken to the ER for medical treatment.

Deputies investigate an assault on Saturday, Nov. 11.
Stolen Vehicle: Dispatch received a call from a female resident on Union Avenue reporting her black Chevy Cobalt had been stolen. This car was immediately suspected to be the car from the earlier pursuit. Sgt. Mohler and Trooper Trelka arrive at the Union Avenue residence to speak with her about the reported theft. According to the Meigs County Sheriff’s Office the woman at first insisted that her car had been stolen but after being advised by the officers of the information they already had and the severity of filing a false report, Savanna Capehart allegedly admitted she received a call from her boyfriend, Shawn D. Reeves, 22, of Pomeroy telling her he had run from the police and to report her car stolen so he did not get in trouble. Capehart allegedly gave a written statement about the incident and several charges are pending in this case.
Assault: Dispatch received a call from a man requesting a wellbeing check on his wife. The husband advised that his wife is a care provider for a man in Tuppers Plains and he would not let her leave. Deputies arrived at the residence and made contact with woman and allegedly found her and the man intoxicated. The woman stated that the man had allegedly held a knife to her throat and stomach threatening her if she tried to leave. The woman allegedly also showed the Deputies a small laceration on her stomach. Due to her state of intoxication Deputies were unable to take her written statement. She was escorted form the residence and transported home. She was advised when sober to follow up with our office to complete the report. At this time the investigation is pending.

On Sunday, Nov. 12, response to two calls turned up nothing.
Fire: Dispatch received a call from a motorist advising they had passed a bag of burning trash along US 33 near Morning Star Road. A deputy was sent to patrol the area. Nothing was found.
Suspicious Vehicle: Dispatch received a call of a suspicious vehicle setting at the gas wells on Ball Run Road. A deputy patrolled the area, and nothing was found.
Theft: Deputy Stewart took a report from a woman stating that her license plates had been stolen from her vehicle sometime overnight. The plates have been entered into NCIC and the investigation is on-going.
Misc: Deputies served three court papers and registered one sex offender.

On Nov. 13, several reports were made including one for identity theft.
Alarm: Sgt Patterson responded to an alarm at a residence on Old State Route 346. The residence was checked, and everything appeared to be secure. Unknown cause for the alarm activation.
Identity Theft: Sgt Patterson is investigating a report of identity theft. A woman reported she recently got information where someone had opened a PayPal account in her name. The account had been opened for some time but just recently had charges posted to the account. The incident remains under investigation.

On Nov. 14, a reported theft was investigated.
Theft: Deputy Hupp took a report from Family Dollar in Rutland about a possible shoplifter. A suspect has been identified, and the incident remains under investigation.

On Nov. 15, Deputies responded to multiple calls including a reported burglary.
Burglary: Deputy Campbell received a call burglary call at a home near Darwin. Multiple items along with cash were stolen. The incident remains under investigation.
Disorderly: Deputies responded to Hills Sunoco in reference to a disorderly female. The female had left prior to our arrival.
Shoplifting: Deputy Campbell responded to the Family Dollar in Rutland for a shoplifter. A male was identified by store management, but they refused to file any charges.
Unruly Juvenile: Deputy Patterson responded to Southern Elementary School on a report of an unruly juvenile. Upon arriving at the classroom Deputy Patterson spoke with the juvenile who was still causing problems and was taken into custody and transported to juvenile court. Charges are pending.
Breaking and Entering: Deputy Campbell is investigating a report filed on someone breaking into a building and stealing cash and bottles. If anyone has any information about this incident call 740-992-3371.
Theft: Deputy Campbell responded to Family Dollar in Rutland on a report of a shoplifter. Deputy Campbell arrived and caught the suspect in the parking lot, who admitted to taking the item in question. The manager did not want charges filed.
Alarm: Deputy Stacy responded to an alarm at a residence on Ganaway Road. When Deputy Stacy arrived, he was met by a neighbor, they checked the residence, and everything appeared secure. Unknown cause of the alarm activation.

Deputies respond to several calls including an unruly juvenile on Nov. 16.
Dispute: A female came to the Sheriff’s Office in reference to a neighbor dispute. A report was taken, and the matter has been closed.
Burning: Deputies spoke with a male about a neighbor who is allegedly burning illegally. The matter remains under investigation.
Unruly juvenile: SRO Patterson handled a call at Southern Elementary in reference to an unruly juvenile. Charges are pending in Meigs County Juvenile Court.

On Friday, Nov. 17, Deputies made a warrant arrest.
Harassing phone calls: Dispatch received a call from a female on Rainbow Ridge Road advising that she had received two strange calls from an unknown person and she would like to see a deputy. Sgt. Mohler arrived and spoke with her about the incident. The woman said she had been called twice by a male that stated that he knew she had received a package from Columbia and he would be there to get it. When she told him that she had no idea what he was talking about, he became abusive. Dispatch used the internet to search the number and it was tracked to an unknown address in Zanesville, Ohio. The complainant stated that the calls had made her uneasy so Sgt. Mohler stayed and patrolled in the area for about an hour. Nothing was seen, and no further action was taken on this call.
Warrant arrest: While on routine patrol Deputy Fennell had a car run out of gas in front of him on Bradbury Road. He stopped to assist the driver and noticed that he was acting nervous. Deputy Fennell had dispatch run a check on the driver, James R. Ellis, 30, of Middleport. It was determined that he had Warrant on Indictment for his arrest for trafficking in drugs out of the Common Pleas Court of Meigs County. Ellis was arrested on the charge and the vehicle towed. While conducting and inventory of the vehicle allegedly additional drugs and paraphernalia was found. Ellis was incarcerated in Middleport Jail until appearing in court on the Indictment. Additional charges are pending on the items found in this incident.

On Saturday, Nov. 18, Deputies responded to a report of a burglary in progress.
Burglary in progress: Dispatch received a call advising of a possible burglary in progress at an abandon house on Minersville Hill, stating that the suspect’s vehicle was stuck in the mud behind the house. Sgt. Mohler and Deputy King arrived on the scene and cleared the area. According to the Meigs County Sheriff’s Office the suspect’s truck was still stuck in the yard, but the suspect had left the property. There was no evidence found to indicate that the house had been entered. After a short time, the suspect returned and advised that he was a neighbor and had been removing scrap from the woods behind the home when he had gotten stuck. He advised that he had permission from the construction worker remodeling the home to be there. His information was taken and he was advised that after he recovered his truck not to return to the property until he had permission from the owner not the workers. An investigation was conducted by phone and the owner located. He advised that he had spoken with the suspect at the scene after the deputies had left. He did not have permission to be there and was told by the owner not to return after he got his truck out of the yard. The suspect was again contacted and advised by Sgt. Mohler not to return and any further incidents would result in his arrest.
Domestic dispute: Deputies were called to a residence on Skinner Road in reference to a domestic dispute. Upon arrival, one of the parties involved had left and the other half refused to cooperate.

Deputies respond to a reported fight on Sunday, Nov. 19.
Fight: Dispatched received a call of and active fight between several people on King Ridge Road. Deputies were dispatched to the scene. The fight was over and all involved were separated in different residences. Deputies spoke with all involved and no one wanted to make statements or sign charges. All suspects were advised to stay separated for the night and if another call was received all would be cited for disorderly. No further calls were received to the location and no further action was taken on this call.
Court Papers: Deputies served three court papers.
Sex Offender: Deputies registered one sex offender.

On Monday, Nov. 20, there was a report of burglar at a residence.
Burglar: Dispatch received a call from a female advising that she had received a call advising that her house on State Route 124 near Racine had been broken into. Deputy Stacy arrived, met with the caller and checked the home. It was determined that nothing was missing, and it didn’t appear that anyone had even entered to home. No further action was taken on this call.

On Nov. 21, two reports of thefts were investigated.
Theft: Sgt Patterson is investigating a theft reported by a Middleport man. The man reported a family member had been staying with them and now he is missing a chainsaw and a Marine Corps vest. The suspect has been identified and charges may be filed.
Theft: Sgt Patterson is investigating the theft of a firearm from another Middleport man. The man reported he noticed the firearm missing during a recent move. The last time the firearm was seen was approx. a year ago. The firearm has been entered into NCIC and ran through the local pawn shops.
Medical Alarm: Deputy Stewart responded to a medical alarm on Burdette Road. along with Medic Units. They could not get anyone to answer the door, so entry was made into the residence. They did not locate anyone in the residence. Unknown cause for the alarm activation.
Court Papers: Deputies served 21 court papers.

On Nov. 22, Deputies respond to a complaint and a report of fraud.
Complaint: Sgt Patterson responded to the Syracuse Post Office after receiving a complaint of an individual sleeping inside. The subject was located and taken to a residence in Racine.
Fraud: Deputy Barnhart is investigating a report of fraud from the Department of Job and Family Services. According to the report two subjects have been filing fraudulent paperwork to receive reimbursement payments from the state in the amount of $64,658.00. The case is still under investigation and charges will be filed.
Court Papers: Deputies served three court papers.
Stolen Vehicle: Deputy responded to a call of a stolen vehicle from a residence from Success Road. An investigation resulted in the recovery of the vehicle from Athens County. Further investigation is pending in this matter.
Narcotics Discovered: Sgt Griffin spoke with a homeowner on Hysell Run Road in reference to some narcotics that he had found on his property. The items were recovered and brought back to the Sheriff’s Office and destroyed.

On Nov. 23, a report of vandalism was investigated.
Vandalism: Deputy Campbell responded to a residence near Rutland in reference to property vandalism. The victim did not wish to file charges, but would wanted a report completed for future reference.

On Nov. 25, Deputies investigate a report of a prowler.
Prowler: Deputies were called to Route 7 Auto Sales in reference to a prowler call. Deputies searched the area but were unable to locate anyone.
Complaint: Deputy Campbell answered a call in reference to a child custody. Upon arrival, one of the parties had left the scene. No further action was deemed necessary.

On Nov. 30, Deputies investigate a possible misuse of a credit card and domestic disturbance.
Domestic: Deputies responded to a residence in Reedsville for a possible domestic disturbance. Upon arrival, it was determined that no physical altercation had taken place and both parties agreed to separate for the remainder of the day.
Identity Theft: Sgt Griffin received is investigating a call for misuse of a credit card. The victim stated that someone had used her credit card information to purchase multiple items from Amazon. A report was taken, and the victim was advised to make contact with her bank.
Unruly female: SRO Patterson handled a call at Southern High School of an unruly female. The incident remains under investigation.