December 6, 2024
qtq80-uxayT9 court law justice

Shade Man Sentenced on Burglary Conviction

POMEROY, Ohio – Meigs County Prosecuting Attorney James K. Stanley announces that on January 27, 2020, Jacob White, 34, of Shade, Ohio, was sentenced to 7 to 10.5 years in prison for a burglary conviction.

The July 2019 grand jury indicted White for one count of burglary, a felony of the second degree, for entering a home in the Burlingham area and stealing electronics, firearms, jewelry, tools, and various other items.  At sentencing, White, through counsel, argued for a sentence in the range of two to four years in prison.  Due to a number of factors, Stanley argued for the maximum sentence, which was a definite sentence of eight years in prison and an indefinite sentence of twelve years in prison.  The Meigs County Sheriff’s Office investigated this matter.