December 2, 2024
Politics government

TechGROWTH Funding Approved by State Board

COLUMBUS, Ohio – The State Controlling Board has approved the release of $3.6 million for the TechGROWTH Ohio program at Ohio University, State Representative Jay Edwards announced.

The initiative is part of the Ohio Third Frontier Entrepreneurial Services Program, which represents a comprehensive, coordinated network of resources around Ohio, where entrepreneurs with a start-up technology company can get help speeding up their growth and getting their ideas to market.

TechGROWTH Ohio will operate as the lead organization in Southeast Ohio, providing high-value business services and networking opportunities in support of technology-based start-ups and entrepreneurs in the region.

“This is an important program, because it helps nurture local talent in Southeast Ohio and turning ideas into economic opportunities,” Edwards said. “It also underscores the important leadership role Ohio University has in our region.”

The program helps support the growth of newer technology companies in the region in a variety of ways, including mentorship, assistance developing intellectual property, recruiting talent, and access to investors and capital.