October 18, 2024

“Even so let your light be shining before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in Heaven.” MATTHEW 5:16

I like lighthouses.  I have visited a few and I have a very nice collection of them.  One particular lighthouse that I have in my collection, I use as a night light in my bathroom.  It puts out just enough light to see if you do not want to turn the bright ceiling light on at night.  Anyway the other day I noticed that the light was not burning.  

I figured that light bulb must be burned out. So I searched through the closet and found a bulb.  I carefully removed the old bulb and replaced the new one.  NOTHING happened.  It still did not burn.  So I checked the cord. Yes, it was plugged in. I even plugged the hair dryer in to make sure the breaker had not blown.  The hair dryer ran fine.  So I decided that the replacement bulb must be bad also.  So I removed it & took it to another light that used the same size.  When I put it in the other light the bulb worked.

Hummm, I wondered what was wrong with the lighthouse that would not work.  I was ready to take it off of the shelf it was sitting on and put it away…when I saw something.  Now I felt really silly…yes there it was! One of those little roll switches in the cord.  I rolled the switch & Presto! The light came on. 

The light won’t shine if it is not plugged in and turned on, will it? Well, you know, that is kind of like us.  We can be the very best person we know how to be but the Bible tells us that we have to be turned on or in tune with Jesus in order to be able to lead others to Him. 

But just like the lighthouse night light our light will not shine unless we’re plugged in and turned on to God.

We do that by praying every day, by studying the Bible, by attending church every week & obeying God. When we stop doing those things we become turned off from God and out of tune and our light won’t shine.

So we need to stay plugged in to God if we want our light to shine.

PRAYER-“Father, help us to always be tuned into what you want us to do. Help us to let our light shine so others can see that we are working for you.  We give you honor, praise and glory, In the name of Jesus, our Savior we pray.  Amen.”

the church Mouse 

Work hard; Pray harder!