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DeWine Makes Daily Address, Continues to Stress Staying at Home

DeWine Makes Daily Address, Continues to Stress Staying at Home

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Governor Mike DeWine and Ohio Health Department Director continue to urge Ohioans to stay home and follow the directors to stop the spread of COVID-19.

“What we do not do now will ultimately determine how many Ohioans die,” DeWine said during the March 21 daily press conference on the COVID-19 crisis.

DeWine went on to liken the seriousness of the situation to being in a war, a war right here at home. DeWine said, “We must act as if invaded by an enemy. The enemy can not move forward without our help.”

DeWine said that adult day centers servicing Ohioans with developmental disabilities are to close except for those that serve less than 10 individuals.

DeWine made statements regarding receiving emails, texts and photos of Ohioans not following directives. He said that he receives information from around Ohio. He alluded to further orders possibly coming as soon as March 22 to further keep people from spreading the virus.

“We are all in this together,” DeWine said. He encouraged Ohioans to fly the American flag or the Ohio flag if they have them. He suggested posting the pictures to Facebook and other social media.

Economic Impact

Lt. Governor Jon Husted talked about ways they are working to help businesses and minimizing the impact as much as possible.

One of the measures is that the Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation will be foregoing payments from businesses for March, April and May with deferment available for a couple of months after that. Husted said that will leave approximately $200 million in Ohio’s economy.

Additionally, he said that certain supply chains such as the Ohio Department of Transportation will be waiving weight restrictions for larger loads carrying essential health care and food supplies. The permit fees are also being waived in regard to critical supplies.

Husted said that due to the declaration of disaster for Ohio, there are loans available for small businesses.

“We will come out of this strong,” Husted said.

Mental Health

Ohio Mental Health Director Lori Criss spoke about the need to utilize services. “The things we are feeling are normal,” she said.

“Mental healthcare is healthcare,” Criss said.

She stressed that mental health agencies and services are open for business. Criss stated anyone taking medications should continue to keep their appointments or call their provider to see if telehealth services are available. Criss said anyone experiencing anxiety or other issues for the first time they should reach out for help.

“You are not alone,” Criss stressed. For resources for mental health, click here.

Health Update from Dr. Acton

Dr. Acton said that Ohio was working and rapidly developing a version of the test for COVID-19. She said that innovation is happening within the state concerning the virus.

It was noted that most people may not have severe symptoms. Dr. Acton stated that testing doesn’t really change the way people are going to be treated unless the case is severe enough. She again stressed for everyone to stay at home and follow the suggested social distancing measures.

COVID-19 Daily Update from Ohio for March 21, 2020. This information is from the Ohio Department of Health.