November 22, 2024

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The Meigs Independent Press does not participate in advertising for or endorsing candidates. The submissions from candidates are a service to the voters and the people of Meigs County. Candidates were invited to write an open letter to the voters. It is published as submitted, unedited.)

To the Voters of the Ohio House of Representatives House District 94:

My name is Andrea Neutzling and I am running as a write-in Independent Candidate for House

District 94. I served in the US Army and Army Reserves as an Intelligence Analyst and currently working as a Substitute Teacher in various school districts in Meigs and Athens County.

As an Independent, I can reach across both parties to improve all of Ohio and not just in the big cities, but also in the more rural areas that have seem to have been neglected and forgotten. If elected, I plan to hold local town hall meetings to meet with the voters to get their feedback on potential laws that can affect them in positive or negative ways.

My goals will be to find alternate ways of funding for our schools, so that our schools do not have to rely so heavily on property tax funding, keeping in mind that Ohio’s State Supreme Court has found the current system of school funding via property taxes unconstitutional. I will work to require that Ohio Department of Education (ODE) employees should have an education background, unless they are dealing in the financial aspects of the ODE. I will also work with Teacher Unions and Parent-Teacher Organizations to get stakeholder input on what is best for our children.

As a veteran, I will work to get better state benefits for Veterans and their surviving families.

I will also work to better the lives of our elderly, both veteran and civilian, by improving Homestead Exemption laws.

These are just a few examples of my plans, and I look forward to hearing your ideas, which you can send to me at [email protected]. Change for the better starts here. So please remember on November 5:

Write In Andrea Neutzling

Independent Write-In Candidate

2440 Union Ally

Syracuse, OH 45779

I am counting on your vote.