July 27, 2024

Letter to the Editor by Jon Husted

Support Local This Holiday Season Letter to the Editor

On behalf of Tina and the entire Husted family, I want to wish you a very happy Thanksgiving.

While I know that as many are mapping out the menu for Thursday’s dinner, others are plotting their “Black Friday” shopping strategies. Far be it for me to criticize mass economic activity! However, I do encourage everyone to direct some of their shopping budgets to a local business this holiday season.

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), small businesses represent 98 percent of all employers in Ohio and employ nearly half of our private sector workforce. Many of these independent businesses will be participating in “Small Business Saturday,” this November 30th (although, I feel confident that they stand ready to serve you throughout the holiday season and year round!)

Shopping local is a great opportunity to find unique gifts for loved ones, while supporting the local mom and pops who can’t afford to participate in the onslaught of advertising that’s coming our way over the next month. The money you spend stays in the community and also encourages variety and competition in the marketplace — the gifts that keep on giving.

So who will you be supporting this holiday season? Share it with me by nominating your favorite local business to be featured as part of the Ohio Secretary of State’s Ohio Business Profile. Visit www.OhioBusinessProfile.com for more information.

Jon Husted
Ohio Secretary of State