July 25, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Pomeroy should get football field back

(Editor’s Note: The private individual that had previously purchased the property at auction did not complete the purchase. The property still belongs to Meigs Local School District and they are looking at selling the property again.)

Dear Editor,

I am writing to protest the decision by the Meigs Local School District (MLSD) board to sell the old Pomeroy High School football field. The taxpayers of Pomeroy already paid for the Bob Roberts Field and now the MLSD wants us to buy it back again – at a starting bid of $140,000.

Let us review. Middleport got back their three schools, land, and football field for zero dollars. Rutland taxpayers got back their schools, land and football field for zero dollars. Hmmm. Pomeroy taxpayers were allowed to keep their old high school, thanks to the action of former school board member, the late Keith Riggs. After $40,000 in improvements by the taxpayers of Pomeroy, the MLSD and Meigs County school offices remained in that building. We were required to pay $40,000 to our old junior high building and then had to demolish it due to it’s poor condition.

And now the MLSD is once again attempting to balance their budget on the backs of Pomeroy residents. I am asking for current and former Pomeroy residents to contact MLSD board members and protest this decision. It is morally wrong, based on precedence. Middleport and Rutland residents got back what they had freely given during consolidation for zero dollars. Pomeroy? We are now looking at a quarter million dollars.

MLSD board members are:
Ryan Mahr @meigslocal.org
Roger Abbot @meigslocal.org
Todd Snowden @meigslocal.org
Heather Hawley @meigslocal.org
Barbara Musser @meigslocal.org

You may contact them via mail at: 41765 Pomeroy Pike, Pomeroy, OH 45769.

Maureen Hennessy