September 20, 2024

Letter to the Editor: With Sappington comes change for the 94th House District of Ohio

Dear Editor,

When I think of the 94th Ohio House District, I think of the people of southeast Ohio and their needs. What will it take for permanent positive change to take place? At this point in time, that would be positive change at all levels in our state elected offices. We need someone that understands how we got to this state of abandonment by our legislators and governor and how to turn it around. That person is Taylor Sappington.

Taylor Sappington is a resident of Nelsonville, Ohio, and a graduate of Ohio University, with a degree in political science. Taylor is serving his third year on the Nelsonville City Council. In that position, he has fought for greater transparency in government, better infrastructure for that city and a balanced city budget. For the first time in a decade, Nelsonville City accounts grew, and the city initiated a major street repaving project.

Taylor is a determined worker. As a young man raised by his single mom, he learned the need for education and developed a desire to help others. Taylor really listens to people and “gets it.” He ascertains their needs and works to find solutions. He digs in to find what needs to happen and how it can be accomplished. If Taylor runs into a road block, he finds a reroute to the solution. He does NOT give up!
As we the citizens of the District 94 of the Ohio House look for: leadership on issues of healthcare and better access to it, better infrastructure, realistic funding for Ohio schools, integrity in our state government and equality for all the citizens of Ohio, we need to look no further than Taylor Sappington. He has earned my vote and I hope yours as well. Southeast Ohio needs this change to happen, for our betterment and the betterment of all Ohio.

Warren A. Jeffers