May 14, 2024

Getting it all together, a booth nears completion. Photo by Carrie Gloeckner.

(Editor’s Note: Catch all the fair coverage this week on the MIP Facebook page with live videos all week long in addition to articles. Today’s live video coverage is sponsored by Tara Rose, Thirty-One Consultant.)

ROCKSPRINGS, Ohio – The fairgrounds has been transforming in the past several days into the event setting fairgoers are familiar with.

Walking through the fairgrounds, youth groups were working Aug. 10 and Aug. 11, 2018 to set up landscaping displays, cleaning up barns, and setting up their fair booths. Advisors were helping with transforming the empty spaces into colorful themed booths displaying projects the youth had been working on for months. This year the theme chosen by the Junior Fair Board is “Ridin’ Rockin’ & Livestockin’ at the 155th Meigs County Fair.”

Fair board members were moving in their campers in preparation for the countless hours of work in the week ahead  to make the fair possible. Countless tasks were being completed to prepare for vendors, exhibitors and of course, the rides that will be moving in through Sunday at the fairgrounds. The members of the board are volunteers elected by the Meigs County Agricultural Society membership. This year the fair is marking its 155th Anniversary. On October 22, 1851 in Middleport, Ohio the first Meigs County Fair was held. Though several years were missed in the past due to war and depression, the fair is currently going strong and celebrating the anniversary with fireworks on Saturday, Aug. 18.

Sunday evening during the opening ceremonies, fair royalty will be crowned as the fair fully gets underway on Monday, Aug. 13.

(Editor’s Note: The dateline of “Rocksprings, Ohio” is a special designation that has traditionally been given to the Meigs County Fairgrounds due to its location with the natural spring. The fairgrounds is technically Pomeroy, however.)