September 20, 2024

RIO GRANDE, Ohio  – The University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College and the Gallia-Vinton Educational Service Center (ESC) will cohost the annual Region 9 Ohio History Day, this spring on the university’s main campus. Students in 4th through 12th grades from Athens, Gallia, Hocking, Jackson, Lawrence, Meigs, Pike, Ross, Scioto and Vinton counties are eligible to participate in the event. Professor of History Sam Wilson said he is eager to see the research students have put into their projects.

“We are thrilled to have History Day return to our campus. It’s exciting to see these young students taking an interest in history. Cohosting the event also gives us, as a university, more opportunities to interact with students thinking about pursuing a degree in history,” Wilson said. “History is relevant. It focuses on continuity and change in society. Studying history is the way we understand the connection between the past and the present, and better understand the situations that influence our current society. History Day is an opportunity for students to explore their own research into these topics.”

Ohio History day is a co-curricular program led by the Ohio History Connection where students create a project tied to this year’s annual theme, “Triumph and Tragedy in History,” with a wide variety of presentation options ranging from history papers, museum-like exhibits, documentaries, websites, and even dramatic performances. Region 9 Coordinator for Ohio History Day and Education Consultant for the Gallia-Vinton ESC, David Moore said he is excited to work with Rio for History Day and continue to grow the ESC’s long-standing partnerships with the university.

“The focus of Ohio History Day is to encourage kids to become curious about history, to study it and to learn from it. These research projects give them the opportunity to do exceptional work outside of their classroom. This year’s theme, ‘Triumph and Tragedy,’ gives them the opportunity to look at events that while although tragic, have left a triumphant legacy on society as people overcame the event,” Moore said. “I’m excited to see the Region 9 Ohio History Day coming to Rio Grande because there is a lot of interest from our area schools. Having the event in our backyard makes the event more centrally located for all of the participating counties, which makes travel more convenient for all students who want to present a project.”

Panels of volunteer judges consisting of professionals in the history and education fields as well as students in Rio’s history department will review the projects to decide which entries in the Junior and Senior categories, collectively consisting of 6th through 12th grade students, move on to the state level. The Youth Division, which consists of 4th and 5th grade exhibits and performances, only competes at the state level. To tie local culture into the event, the Madog Center for Welsh Studies on Rio’s campus will also participate by awarding $50 to the best project with a Welsh theme. Wilson said Rio’s students are excited for the opportunity to use their classroom knowledge in a field setting.

“Volunteering with History Day gives Rio students the opportunity to actively judge projects and presentations using their classroom knowledge,” Wilson said. “It allows them to gain a more genuine understanding of primary and secondary research sources and how to use them in a presentation. This is a practical view of the history discipline that we can’t always offer in a classroom setting.”

The 2019 Region 9 Ohio History Day contest will be Saturday, February 23, 2019. Registration and entry fees are due Friday, February 8, 2019. For more information on Ohio History Day, or to register for the event, visit or contact Region 9 Coordinator David Moore at (740)-245-0593.