May 14, 2024
Knight Templars of Ohio Valley Commandery No 24 of Middleport, Ohio, Chartered September 14, 1871. (Photo Courtesy Gary Coleman)

MIDDLEPORT, Ohio – Ohio Valley Commandery No. 24, Knights Templar recently held their Christmas Observation on Monday, December 17, at 6:00. The occasion was held in the asylum of Ohio Valley Commandery No. 24 at the Middleport Masonic Temple, 920 Second Avenue in Middleport. The program included an address by Eminent Commander of Ohio Valley Commandery No. 24, Sir Knight, Gary A. Coleman, as well as a presentation of a Meritorious Service Award to Sir Knight Oscar Good. A Commandery of Knights Templar is part of the York Rite Bodies located in Middleport.

Left to Right: Sir Knight Larry Byer, Recorder of Ohio Valley Commandery No. 24 and Deputy Division Commander of the 4th Division, Knights Templar of Ohio, Sir Knight Oscar Good, Generalissimo of Ohio Valley Commandery No. 24, Sir Knight, Gary Coleman, Eminent Commander of Ohio Valley Commandery No. 24, and Sir Knight Tom Starr, Commander of the 4th Division, Knights Templar of Ohio, and Captain General of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of Ohio.

The Knights Templar support charitable causes like The Knights Templar Eye Foundation, and The Knights Templar Holy Land Pilgrimage where pilgrim ministers are sent to the Holy Land to walk in the footsteps of Jesus and see many of the sites of the Holy Land.

Ohio Valley Commandery No. 24, Knights Templar, was granted itscharter on September 14, 1871 by the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of Ohio. Their meeting is the second Wednesday of each month, except July and August. If you are interested in Templar Masonry, general information can be found at For local information please contact the Recorder, Larry Byer at 740-992-2482.