May 18, 2024

Sugary drinks and dental health

By Julie Simpson, Health Educator

Most people know certain foods and drinks are bad for teeth. Sugary drinks, such as soda/pop and juice, are definitely on this list. With that being said, opting for treatments like Putney Dental Veneers could help fix the issue of having discolored teeth (due to the sugary drinks/snacks). It is never too late however to stay on top of your oral hygiene, as this is very important in maintaining a healthy smile. Unfortunately, these are often the favorite drinks for kids. When someone has a sugary drink, the sugar latches on the teeth. Bacteria in the mouth eat away at the sugar and then produce acid. Eventually, this acid begins to eat away and weaken the enamel on the teeth, which increases the chances of developing tooth decay. This then leads to kids and to that extent adults needing to get emergency dental care in order to save the tooth before the decay gets worse or fix any toothache that could be occurring as a result of the cavity in the tooth. However, it would be ideal to stop the decay before it gets to the stage of emergency dental care and therefore, dentists similar to this Dentist in Turlock advise that you and your child follow the standard guidelines of dental health to prevent tooth decay.

julie Simpson, Health Educator

So what can you do? The best way to reduce the risk of tooth decay caused by sugary drinks is to avoid them when possible. Drinking your calories just doesn’t make good sense, not to mention the damage these high calorie and high sugar beverages can have do to your overall health. Make water the primary drink choice for you and your family, and make sugary drinks only a ‘sometimes’ drink, if at all. After drinking a sugary drink, make sure to rinse with a few drinks of water to flush the mouth and remove as much sugar from the teeth as possible. Using a toothpaste and mouthwash containing fluoride can also help to reduce cavities and strengthen tooth enamel. Seeing a dentist regularly is vitally important, as well. If you live in Beaufort, SC, you can book a check-up with Durham Dental Dentistry who can also provide various cosmetic dentistry procedures.

Remember to ‘Rethink your Drink’ before sipping, and take the time to care for your dental health.