July 26, 2024

The Vital Ventures 4-H Club took first place with their trash can design at the Meigs County Fair. Photo from Meigs County Fair.

The Vital Ventures 4-H Club took first place with their trash can design at the Meigs County Fair. Photo from Meigs County Fair.

Decorative Trash Can Contest Winners Announced

MEIGS COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS, Ohio – Every year 4-H Clubs throughout the county work to make taking out the trash just a bit more fun and colorful with the decorated Trash Can Contest.

Club members take time to work on painting a trash can which will be at the Meigs County Fair throughout the fair. As you visit the fair, take note of the creative efforts of Meigs County 4-Hers.

This year the winners are: Vital Ventures, first place; Busy Beavers, second place; and Country Pioneers, third place.

Busy Beavers 4-H Club took second place in the Trash Can Contest. Photo from Meigs County Fair.
Third place in the Trash Can Contest went to Country Pioneer 4-H Club. Photo from Meigs County Fair.

Thank you to today’s Meigs County Fair coverage sponsor, The Bed Head Cardinal Fabric & Quilting.