July 25, 2024

Shannon Miller, Candidate for Meigs County Commissioner

Shannon Miller, Candidate for Meigs County Commissioner

Letter to the Voters: Shannon Miller, Commissioner Candidate

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The Meigs Independent Press does not participate in advertising for or endorsing candidates. The submissions from candidates are a service to the voters and the people of Meigs County. Candidates were invited to write an open letter to the voters. It is published as submitted, unedited.)

My name is Shannon Miller and I am running for Meigs County Commissioner.  I’ve lived in Meigs County for 21 years with my wife of 28 years, Lori Miller.  I am a project manager and union millwright by craft.  I care about the future of our county and am interested in applying my professional skill sets and values to the seat I will hold.

As a millwright I worked in many of the power houses, chemical plants, and manufacturing facilities up and down the Ohio River.  In 2000 I accepted an opportunity in project management and have since managed over a quarter of a billion dollars’ worth of project monies, along with completing over 3.5 million SAFE man hours worked.  I will use my knowledge of projects and budgets to be a good steward of the county’s assets, and be fiscally responsible for the funds I will oversee.

As a Project Manager in the construction field, I have had the opportunity to interface with many different companies of various sizes, from mom and pop fab shops, to prime contractors, to companies with billion-dollar market caps.  One asset almost all of the companies have in common is a set of “core values”.  Each company’s core values differ depending onhow they want to do business and reach their goals.  I will viewthe position of commissioner; and conduct county business through the prism of my core values of respect, integrity, honesty, and professionalism.

Respect is the foundation for all of my core values. As the son of a Marine I was taught to respect my elders, my teachers, law enforcement, our country, and the flag. In basic training I learned to respect the achievements of others, chain of command, customs and traditions. Respect is common in any professional environment.

As your County Commissioner I will respect the office I have been elected to.  I will respect other people’s thoughts and concerns.  I will respect other people’s opinions and welcome their input with an open mind.  I will respect each and every elected official and the office they hold. I will respect our county and make sure it is always viewed in a positive light.

I am thankful for relationships I have with folks involved inMeigs county programs I believe are important.  I am proud to be a founding member of our local non-profit Loyalty Is Forever and to have helped raise over $125,000 for our programs.  I have supported and support Meigs Council on Aging March for Meals, and the Blakeslee Center, the Meigs County Chamber of Commerce, Meigs County Community Fund, and am a member of the Meigs County Community Improvement Corporation.  I am also a lifetime member of the NRA.

I appreciate the support of friends, old and new, who have helped during my campaign.  I have ran a positive campaign and with a concentrated effort managed to stick to the issues important to me like infrastructure, broadband, and creating an environment that will attract business. I want to hold town hall meetings in the townships so that taxpayers can have input in the direction of the county. The commissioner’s path should be on the same path as an engaged citizenry.  I will create an avenue of open communication, as I believe this is a key component to success.  It is my intent to have meeting minutes and agendas posted on the commissioner’s website.

I did not actively seek any endorsements. The only endorsement I need is yours so please VOTE FOR SHANNON MILLER on March 17th.  

If you have any questions please call 740-508-0628.  I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you.


-Shannon Miller, Candidate for Meigs County Commissioner