September 13, 2024

Classified Ad: Invitation to Bid on Beverage-Air Refrigerator

Invitation to Bid

The Meigs County Health Dept. (MCHD) will accept sealed bids for the sale of a Beverage-Air Refrigerator Model KR48-1AS purchased new in 2009.  This is a stainless steel 48 cubic foot commercial refrigerator that has been used only in a clean, temperature-controlled environment for vaccine storage. The Board of Health (BOH) set the minimum bid at $1,200 during its 7/14/20 regular meeting.  Complete bids (bidder’s name, phone number and/or email address, bid amount) should be mailed to: MCHD 112 E. Memorial Drive Suite A Pomeroy, OH 45769ATTN: Administrator Courtney Midkiff and be postmarked by or before Aug. 10, 2020. The bids will be opened and evaluated for acceptance of the highest bid during the Aug. 11th regular BOH Meeting at 5PM at the MCHD.  The successful bidder will be notified of acceptance of bid on Aug. 12th via phone/email. Payment is expected via cash, check or money order payable to the MCHD. Buyer will be required to remove the item from the MCHD within a week of notification of bid award during MCHD normal business hours (Monday – Friday from 8AM-4PM) after making arrangements with the MCHD Administrator.