July 26, 2024

Letter to Voters: Republican County Commissioner Candidate BJ Smith-Kreseen

BJ Smith-Kreseen

Letter to Voters: Republican County Commissioner Candidate BJ Smith-Kreseen

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The Meigs Independent Press does not participate in advertising for or endorsing candidates. The submissions from candidates are a service to the voters and the people of Meigs County. Candidates were invited to write an open letter to the voters. It is published as submitted, unedited.)

Hello friends,

My name is BJ Smith-Kreseen and I am running for Meigs County Commissioner on the Republican ticket, in the May primary race.

I am a ’99 graduate of Meigs High School and an ’03 graduate of Ohio University, living in Middleport
with my husband of 15 years and 2 children. In addition to being a worship leader, choir director and
vocal coach, I have always been active in a variety of community organizations, including a contributor
to the Meigs Foundation and Treasurer for the Meigs United Fund. Also, my bandmates in Next Level
and I were presented a community service award in 2021 for our many contributions to the local area.

Currently I work for the Meigs County Common Pleas Court as Fiscal Clerk, Drug Court Coordinator and
Grant Administrator, bringing in close to a quarter of a million dollars each year through State and
Federal grants. I have approximately 20+ years in grant writing experience.

Having worked with officials on the local, state, and federal level I am more than capable of being an
advocate for Meigs County. I will be the voice for Meigs County and our wonderful citizens, making
strides to bring new resources and funding to our area. Sadly, we are often overlooked or forgotten.
You will see me out and about, staying informed and on top of what is happening in our County. My
office door will always be open.

While a Commissioner has little say over how other elected officials run their respective offices, I can
provide support, guidance, and oversight of their budgets to ensure transparency to you – the public.

I am qualified and dedicated to put Meigs County first with a desire to build a better future for
generations to come. I realize that being a commissioner is a 24 hour a day job and look forward to
putting “boots to the ground” on day one working for you!

I humbly ask for your support and vote in the primary election. Every vote counts!

If you have any questions or would like to talk to me about my plans for the community, please email
me at [email protected] or find me on Facebook!

BJ Smith-Kreseen