July 26, 2024

Rutland Village to Consider Financial Recovery Plan

RUTLAND, Ohio — The financial recovery plan for the Village of Rutland is set to be considered by the Rutland Village Council during its upcoming regular meeting to be held July 18, 2022.

The financial recovery plan is a step in the Village’s continued effort to overcome a deficit, or negative balance, in the Village general fund.

Mayor Tyler Eblin explains that the financial recovery plan is a requirement under section 118.06 of the Ohio Revised Code, which provides that any municipality declared to be in a state of fiscal emergency by the Auditor of State must prepare, adopt and adhere to a detailed recovery plan to eliminate the conditions of fiscal emergency.

The financial recovery plan includes measures to reduce spending, measures to increase revenue and the methods by which the Village will meet its immediate capital needs.

Measures to reduce spending recommended in the proposed financial recovery plan include the continued forfeiture of the salaries of the Mayor and members of Village Council, the reduction in the police department budget to $6,000 annually, the recruitment and utilization of auxiliary police officers, and the reduction of energy costs through the replacement of single pane windows at Rutland Civic Center with insulated, energy efficient windows.

Measures to increase Village revenue recommended in the proposed financial recovery plan include the continued implementation of the Rutland Civic Center Sponsorship Program with a fundraising goal of $10,000 annually, the implementation of a 1% municipal income tax with 100% credit eligibility for those who pay a municipal income tax in other municipalities, and the transfer of monies available in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fund.

Capital needs detailed in the proposed financial recovery plan include the Rutland Civic Center gymnasium floor restoration, street paving, and storm sewer system construction on Lynn Street.

Mayor Eblin explains that, prior to the implementation of a 1% municipal income tax, three public hearings must be held and the tax must be implemented through the adoption of a Village ordinance. Any municipal income tax exceeding 1% must be approved by voters.

The Mayor encourages residents and business owners to attend all public hearings regarding the implementation of a 1% municipal income tax, become informed of the purpose, and express any concerns they may have.

If the Village Council rejects legislation to implement a 1% municipal income tax, the financial recovery plan will need to be amended with alternative measures to generate additional revenue.

The Rutland Village Council will meet Monday, July 18, 2022 at 6 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chamber at Rutland Civic Center.