July 26, 2024

Letter to the Voters: Zachary Manuel, Candidate for Meigs County Commissioner

Letter to the Voters: Zachary Manuel, Candidate for Meigs County Commissioner

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The Meigs Independent Press does not participate in advertising for or endorsing candidates. The submissions from candidates are a service to the voters and the people of Meigs County. Candidates were invited to write an open letter to the voters. It is published as submitted, unedited.)

A letter to the voters…

Hello all,

My name is Zachary Manuel, son of Lester Manuel and the late Carol Manuel, I am 29 years old, graduate of Southern Local (2011) and have bachelor’s and associate degrees from the University of Rio Grande. I live on the family farm and have been a lifelong resident of Meigs with a strong sense of wanting to serve the community in some from. After college, I worked as a Laborer for the village of Racine and learned a lot from this role about teamwork and working in the public. I also had served as a Letart township trustee for two elected terms, and this helped to understand the daily functions of local government.

For the past few months, following the Republican primary, I have kept very busy with getting out into the communities and attending different events with my wife and two children. Along with campaigning, I have learned a lot about the office and its duties in the past few months since my appointment to this position on July 26th and am excited for the future. I would greatly appreciate your support in the upcoming November election.

Zachary B. Manuel