September 11, 2024

Meigs County Sheriff Scott Fitch would like to announce that his office has received a body armor grant through the Ohio Attorney General’s Office. This grant is used to replace bulletproof vests for Deputies whose vests have expired or are about to expire. The vests typically have a lifespan of 5 years and must be replaced thereafter. Deputies have already been fitted for their new vests by Vance’s Outdoors and are awaiting receipt of the vests. The amount of funding for this grant is approximately eighteen thousand dollars.

Sheriff Fitch also stated that his office received another grant in the amount of five thousand dollars from CSX Railroad. This grant will pay for deputies overtime for cases related to drug investigations. “This funding can be used for our deputies for a wide variety of drug related overtime reasons such as search warrants, going to court on drug cases, and working an investigation that is drug related or has a drug nexus.” Stated Sheriff Fitch.