September 12, 2024

VBS Calendar for Meigs County

Each summer churches around the county hold Vacation Bible School or more commonly known as VBS for youth. This year is no different.

If your church has a VBS planned and it is not listed, email [email protected] with the information.

Here are some of the VBS options available in Meigs County.

June 7-9
The Bradbury Church of Christ will hold Noah’s Ark VBS on June 7 and June 8 starting at 6 p.m. and June 9 at 5 p.m. All ages are welcome. The church address is 39558 Bradbury Road, Middleport, Ohio.

June 10
Kick off for First Baptist Church of Racine VBS. The extravaganza will begin with a kick off carnival from 1-3 p.m. Children ages 3 through 6 grade can pre-register for VBS while enjoying a bounce house, games, and prizes. The church is located at 404 Fifth Street, Racine, Ohio.

June 12-16
The First Baptist Church of Racine will hold VBS themed Keepers of the Kingdom. Knights, castles, and dragons mixed in lessons, crafts, games, and songs will be part of the program. Open to ages 3 through sixth grade. There will be a closing program on Sunday, June 18 at 10:40 a.m. For more information call 740-949-3131. Link for online registration:

June 19-23
The Ash Street Church will hold VBS Keepers of the Kingdom at the church from 12:30-3 p.m. for ages 5-18 years of age. For more information call Linda Smith at 740-416-4300. The church address is 398 Ash Street, Middleport, Ohio.

July 10-14

The Middleport Church of Christ will hold a “Christmas in July” VBS on Monday through Friday, July 10-14, from 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. each evening. There will be music, crafts, Bible stories, games, and snacks. All children age 3 years old through sixth grade are invited. The church is located at 437 Main Street, Middleport. For more information or to pre-register call 740-992-2914.

July 31-August 4

Carleton Church VBS Twist & Turns snacks, games, prizes, puppets, and ministry. Following Jesus changes the game. Carleton Church is located at 39990 Kingsbury Rd Pomeroy OH 45769

August 1-5

First Southern Baptist Church of Pomeroy will hold Twist and Turns VBS August 1-5 from 6-9pm. Ages 3-grade 6. Family closing day will be Sunday,August 6 at 10:45am. Come join in the fun at 41872 Pomeroy Pike, Pomeroy Ohio.