September 11, 2024

The Middleport Village Council met in regular session on July 24, 2023. Brian Conde Council president presided over the meeting due to the absence of Mayor Fred Hoffman.
Those in attendance were council members Matt Lyons, Ben Reed, Tyler Andrews, David Dowler, solicitor Rick Hedges, fiscal officer Bryan Swann, fiscal assistant Margie Baker-Keilitz, and Joe Powell. Absent was Mayor Hoffman and Council member Shawn Arnott.
Reed made a motion to excuse Arnott, Lyons second the motion which passed.
Andrews moved to excuse Mayor Hoffman, second by Reed, motion passed.
Lyons moved to approve the minutes fo the July 10, 2023 meeting, Dowler second motion passed with Andrews abstaining due to being absent at that meeting.
Reed moved to approve the payment of the bills, Lyons second motion passed.
Joe Powell informed council that well number seven had been struck by lighting and would require electrical repair in addition to the new motor that was installed Moody’s. There was some discussion regarding whether or not the well repair might be covered by insurance. It was agreed that the fiscal officer would reach out to Kinder Insurance for clarification. Powell shared that he has selected Ricky’s trees to cut the large oak tree, and trim a tree in Hartinger, as well as a tree on Page Street that needs to be topped, for a price of $4800.
Conde ask Powell if any progress has been made on a water issue on Seventh and Main Street, Powell said that they would have to contract outside help to be able to assess the leak due to the depth. Powell also told council that the splash park has a “bad board” and that it will only run intermittently until repaired.
Baker-Keilitz ask council to approve funding for certified arborist training for Kelsey Siekkinen, who has agreed to contract with the Village to provide arborist services for the Village for a period of at least one year. Andrews moved to pay the member registration for Siekkinen to go to the September 18-21 arborists class in Cincinnati, Ohio, Reed second, motion passed.
Mary Wise said she is having a banner made to thank all the donors that made the July fourth fireworks display possible.
Conde suggested that a plaque or some manner of recognition be ordered to thank Susan Baker for her years of service as Fiscal Officer for the Village. Hedges suggested having two made so that Baker could have one and one could be displayed in the Village Hall. Conde said he would procure the plaques.
Andrews informed council that he would be absent at the next meeting due to vacation.
Lyons requested a “health asset report” from the Village Administration, the Police Department, and the Fire Department so that council would be aware of the status of all equipment and vehicles owned by the Village. Lyons also inquired if Code Enforcement Spears had inspected a house on fourth Street that some ongoing issues. Powell said he would inform Spears and provide Lyons with Spears email for future inquiries.
Conde said the demolition of the houses that are being torn down as part of the land bank are in progress, and that the Village has approved to add two additional houses to be demolished. Powell stated that Hutton, who is doing the demolition adn removal of the houses said that excessive trash and tires have been added to the properties after the bid on the projects.
Wise asked Conde about the “Judy K” lot acquisition, Conde affirmed that the Village’s bid of $4000 for the property was accepted and the deed is in progress.
Lyons made motion to adjourn.