September 20, 2024

Confusion led to an alleged “threat” at Meigs Elementary today.

According to Meigs County Sheriff’s Office Captain Frank Stewart, deputies were investigating an alleged threat, but found it to be more of a misunderstanding.

Someone apparently thought they overheard radio traffic that referred to an active shooter situation, however, no 911 traffic or other traffic in Meigs County had such a call. It is unclear exactly where the initial information came from that was supposedly overheard, but it is believed to be a mistake and not an intentional threat.

This mistaken information led to a social media post which led to further confusion on what was actually not happening. Law enforcement did not take any chances and responded according to protocols. All of this was happening in a very brief period of time this morning.

The Sheriff’s Office released a statement on their Facebook page that the matter was being investigated and as more information became available, updated the post.

There was no actual threat.

Law enforcement remained on the scene to make sure the staff and students were safe and felt safe as an added precautionary measure.

“We take the safety of the students and staff seriously at all our schools,” said Capt. Stewart. He added that they responded quickly and were there within minutes of hearing there might be a situation. If it had been real, they were prepared and responded accordingly.

Capt. Stewart said there are School Resource Officers (SROs) at all three public school districts in Meigs County.