October 20, 2024

The Church Mouse: Faith through All Seasons

Is 43: 18-19  – “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth.”

Fall – to lose the old, to have its proper place.  This is just part of the many definitions of what the dictionary says “fall” is.   What is crazy is that the dictionary is talking about fall like ‘I fell down’, not fall like ‘the season’ and yet how right the definition is.

I like fall!!  The color change, the weather change, the smell change…its about change.  But to change means that something must go.

As I sit here looking out the window at  trees all around my yard, I see it happening. Leaves  are falling. What was once a tree of bright green, is now a tree with shining yellow gold leaves and soon will become a tree that will be empty.  Nothing left but the bare branches.  I guess we as humans find it sad and we wish the color stayed, we think the only thing that makes the tree beautiful is the colorful leaves. And we wonder why does it have to be so bare? However, that’s a sign of what is to come.

But for every beginning there is an end and for every ending there is a new beginning.  What I find amazing is that those bare trees still stand.  Those bare branches still reach out and upward.  Not like my plants in my flower beds that have to be cut back and will re-grow from their roots next spring. 

Those trees just stand there naked and bare. There is beauty in the strength of those branches. This is much like  a picture of what Jesus does in our lives.  We go through all kinds of seasons.  Some of the seasons of hard, some lonely, seasons of loss or other things such as financial hardships.  And those seasons change us.  We have seasons that are bright and beautiful and rich and over flowing with life.  

Then we have seasons that He allows things in our life to enter so that we don’t remain the same.  

But through all those seasons He is telling us let go and let Him! Let go and let God show you what He can do.  He says “ Let go and let me show you what I can teach you and help you become. There is strength in your branches with God in control. WE just need to step aside and let Him lead us. 


Father God help us  to except change as the seasons come and go. Help us to remember that you are always there to lead us through each change and time in our lives.  Remind us Father that you loved us and will never leave us. Thank you for the changes that help us to grow closer to you. Amen. 

the Church Mouse