September 16, 2024

Special Exhibit to Highlight Quiet Strength of Meigs County

POMEROY, Ohio – A special exhibit is coming to the Meigs County Fair. Through photography the exhibit will tell the story of the “Quiet Strength of Meigs County.”

Local photographer Cooper Schagel told the Meigs Independent Press why he wanted to do such an exhibit, “I am very passionate about Meigs County, and one of my biggest pet peeves is to listen to people in our community complain about Meigs County. There is a very negative stigma surrounding Meigs County about how much of a dump it is. I want people to realize this could not be farther from the truth. There are hundreds of people in our community doing amazing things, but unfortunately, these people are often doing their work in the shadows.”

Cooper Schagel works on hanging the special photography exhibit, “Quiet Strength of Meigs County.” Photo by Carrie Gloeckner.

Schagel said he first came up with the idea in November of 2018 to create a gallery exhibit to showcase something positive and forward thinking through photographs of individuals that contribute to the county.

“After exploring the logistics and feasibility of this project, a list was created of sixteen individuals to be included in the exhibit. Over the next few months, the list was adapted several times and grew to include eighteen individuals. In the end, ‘The Quiet Strength of Meigs County’ is a photography exhibition showcasing both individuals and groups of individuals who work hard to make Meigs County what it is. The idea being that the exhibition would bring the people who do most of their hard work behind-the-scenes into the eye of the public. I want the public to recognize these individuals, and thank them for everything they are doing for our beautiful community,” Schagel said.

The gallery exhibit will be located inside the brand new Rutland Bottle Gas Domestic Arts Building at the Meigs County Fair. It will be premiered Monday, August 12, 2019 and will stay up until Saturday night of the fair.

Thank you today’s fair coverage sponsor, The Bed Head Cardinal Fabric & Quilting.