April 29, 2024

Grand and reserve champion display for Painting at the Meigs County Fair. Carrie Rose photo.

Painting Results from the Meigs County Fair

ROCKSPRINGS, Ohio – Artists were showing off their work at the Meigs County Fair with entries for painting judging. The artworks were on display in the Rutland Bottle Gas Domestic Arts Building.

Painting Results

Junior Painting
Oil Painting Miscellaneous: first, Vivian Huggins.
Acrylic Painting Landscape: first, Vivian Huggins; second, Mason David Baker; third, Zoey Barnhart.
Acylic Painting Animal Study: first, Opal Huggins; second, John Lechler; third, Laurel Huggins.
Acrylic Painting Miscellaneous: first, Vivian Huggins; second, Mason David Backer; third, Ruby Lechler.
Water Color Animal Study: first, Opal Huggins; second, Ruby Lechler; third, Laurel Huggins.
Water Color Floral Study: first, Vivian Huggins; second, Laurel Huggins.
Water Color Miscellaneous: first, Vivian Huggins; second, Everett Huggins.
Other Media Penncil, Pen, Crayon: first, Mason David Baker; second, Ruby Lechler; third, Vivian Huggins.

Adult Painting
Acrylic Painting Landscaping: first, Sharon Dean; second, Erin Bradfor.
Acrylic Painting Floral Study: first, Erin Bradford; second, Sharon Dean.
Acrylic Painting Miscellaneous: first, Brenda Johnson; second, Sydenyahna Card.
Water Color Miscellaneous: first, Ashley Long; second Harvest Lechler.
Other Media Pencil, Pen or Crayon: first, Ashley Long.