May 3, 2024

Meigs County Home Rule Committee Celebrates Success

Cody and Greg giving 44 petitions, totaling 885 signatures, to Becky at BOE.
Cody and Greg giving 44 petitions, totaling 885 signatures, to Becky at BOE.

Our message: “Clean Water is Our Right, Local Self Governance is Our Might.” Today the Meigs County Home Rule Committee (a ballot issue committee), along with over 800 other Meigs County citizens, is celebrating success. Over the last several weeks this group of concerned county residents, in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code, has been talking with their neighbors and successfully collecting signatures to place their county charter initiative on the ballot this November.

On Wednesday, committee members Greg Howard, Dennis Sargent, and Marsha Nagy, along with petition circulator Cody Hysell, met at the Board of Elections and turned in 44 petitions with a total of 885 signatures. With only 567 valid signatures required, being 10% of the number who voted in the last gubernatorial election, this additional margin indicates that the residents of Meigs County are very concerned about their water and their well-being.

If enacted, the Charter would not alter any current county “orders and regulations” or “laws relating to or affecting the County or its officers, agencies, departments, or employees.” The Charter contains a Bill of Rights, including the rights of initiative and referendum on the county level, which will untie the hands of our county officials by securing for the county the same level of authority as a municipality.

To protect our water we believe the vast majority of Meigs County voters will again speak, and vote for the charter form of county government this November. For our meeting times and additional information continue to visit us at Please join our growing number in this effort.

Cody, Dennis, and Greg at BOE.
Cody, Dennis, and Greg at BOE.