July 26, 2024

Meet the Board of Health Members

By Courtney C. Midkiff, BSC, MCHD Administrator

March is a busy month for the Meigs County Health Dept. (MCHD) for many reasons including conduction of the District Advisory Council (DAC) Meeting. Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 3709.03: The council shall meet annually in March at a place determined by the chair and the health commissioner for the purpose of electing the chair and the secretary, making necessary appointments to the board of health, receiving and considering the annual or special reports from the board of health, and making recommendations to the board of health or to the department of health in regard to matters for the betterment of health and sanitation within the district or for needed legislation.

The 2019 DAC meeting took place on March 26 at the Ewing-Schwarzel Family Center in Pomeroy.  The ORC states that acouncil shall consist of the president of the board of county commissioners, the chief executive of each municipal corporation not constituting a city health district, and the chairperson of the board of township trustees of each township. At the meeting, there was representation from Chester Township; Columbia Township; Rutland Township; Salisbury Township; Scipio Township; Sutton Township; the Board of Meigs County Commissioners; Village of Middleport; Village of Pomeroy; Village of Racine; Village of Syracuse. Other attendees included elected officials and guests as well as Board of Health (BOH) Members; the MCHD contract Medical Director(Douglas Hunter, MD) and several MCHD staffers.

The ORC places responsibility on the DAC to appoint five BOH members.  The duties of BOH members are outlined in ORC 3709.02. The BOH is the MCHD’s governing entity. This year, there was one BOH Member Term that expired.  During its meeting, the DAC re-appointed Pam Patterson to serve a five-year term (March 2019-March 2024). 

I want to take this opportunity to introduce you to your Meigs County BOH Membership.

Roger Gaul

Roger Gaul, current President (Term March 2016-March 2021):Roger lives on his family’s farm in Orange Township and previously engaged in farming.  He and his wife, Paula, have been married for 20 years. Roger is a father, grandfather and great-grandfather.  Roger is a former township trustee and retired from Dupont after a 38-year career. Roger enjoys antique cars and tractors and was featured on Classic Tractor Fever, which airs on the RFD channel. Roger is a 33 Degree Mason.

Edna Weber

Edna Weber, current Vice President (Term March 2016-2021):  Edna is an Eastern High School graduate. She will be employed by Farmers Bank for 29 years this December. Edna is married to Duane Weber. She is a mother of two and a grandmother ofthree. Edna shares: “When first approached to be on the BOH, I thought why not give it a try. I didn’t know a lot about the health department only had the stigma that everyone else does – it’s a place to get the children’s shots before school. The first meetings were clearly eye openers. The Health Department does so much more for the community. From WIC and breastfeeding support to mosquito control to splash parks and developing a farmers’ market, your MCHD is working to make this and even better community I am proud to be part of this team.”

Dr. Wilma Mansfield

Wilma Mansfield, MD, BOH Medical Member (Term March 2017-March 2022): Dr. Mansfield was born and raised in Athens County.  She graduated from Ohio University then went on to medical school at The Ohio State University. Her family practice residency was completed at Grant Hospital in (Columbus.  Dr. Mansfield moved to Meigs County in 1979 initially in service with the National Health Service Corp. She notes that Meigs County was considered a medically underserved area at the time.  After her two-year commitment, she elected to stay in Meigs County, and after 38 years working here as a family physician, she decided to retire in 2017.  She shares: “I guess you never COMPLETELY retire from being a physician, and there was an opening for a medical person on the BOH at that time, and it felt appropriate to keep some involvement in the health field, with a slightly different aspect (and a much lighter time commitment). I had previous experience with the Health Dept & many of their staff, having served as clinic physician (prenatal & Women’s health clinics primarily) for many years, so I had firsthand experience with some of the good work they have, and continue to provide to the community, and am proud to be a part of it.”

Eric Rock

Eric Rock, BOH Member (Term March 2018-March 2023):  Eric moved to Meigs County with his wife (Jacque) and daughter (Misty) thirty years ago.  Eric and his familyimmediately fell in love with the rolling hills, the Ohio River and the people.  Eric also appreciated that Meigs County offers an endless supply of outdoor activities for any outdoor enthusiast.  Eric shares: “As a Meigs County resident, I felt compelled to get involved with the community.  I was fortunate enough to get an opportunity to join the Meigs County BOH.  I had no idea of the quality of employees we had working tirelessly to improve our community health.  I am always excited to get the opportunity to attend our BOH meetings, to experience the forward thinking, hardworking and community improvements that our employees have to offer.  We are truly blessed to have employees of this caliber leading the way.”

Pam Patterson

Pam Patterson, Board of Health Member (Term March 2019-March 2024): Pam is a Meigs High School graduate.  She is a wife, mother and grandmother. Pam and her husband, Rick, own and operate Pizza Dan’s in Rutland and The Tire Barn, which is situated in the Five Points Area. They also own several rental properties and enjoy participating in 5ks as a family.

As the MCHD Administrator, I express sincerest appreciation to the BOH for its sound administrative oversight and for the professional and personal support that has been gifted to me and other MCHD employees throughout the years. These individuals demonstrate their care and concern for the health and well-being of all Meigs County residents in word and deed. 

We invite you to attend a BOH Meeting on the second Tuesday of each month beginning at 5PM in the conference room of the MCHD (112 E. Memorial Drive in Pomeroy) and/or to visit www.meigs-health.com to review BOH Meeting Minutes and/or the MCHD Annual Reports.