May 14, 2024

Alzheimer’s Association in need of volunteers to co-facilitate Caregiver Support Groups

Alzheimer’s disease has a major impact on the family. There is increased stress due to changes in lifestyle, family roles and the affected person’s behavior and needs. It’s normal for a family caregiver to feel overwhelmed, confused and emotionally drained at times. 

Support groups can help. 

Alzheimer’s Association family caregiver support groups are small discussion groups for caregivers, family members and friends of people with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. They offer the opportunity for caregivers, family members and/or friends of persons with dementia to gather together to discuss issues related to Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, discuss caregiving challenges and exchange information and ideas, and provide mutual support with others who are in similar situations. 

The Alzheimer’s Association of Greater Cincinnati, which also serves Meigs County, is currently in need of willing volunteers to serve as co-facilitators at these monthly support group meetings. Facilitators play a critical role in a support group by helping lead discussion among the participants, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to share with the group in a supportive setting.

“We are looking for compassionate individuals who perhaps have gone through the caregiving experience, or are employed with an organization that works with the aging population or are simply looking for new ways to give back,” said Melissa Dever, LSW, Program Director Southeastern Ohio Branch of the Alzheimer’s Association of Greater Cincinnati. “We have an orientation and training process for all new facilitators to ensure they feel equipped to take on this new endeavor.”

The Alzheimer’s Association is currently in need of volunteers for family support groups in Meigs, Jackson, Lawrence, Brown, Adams, Highland, Washington, Morgan, Monroe and Noble Counties in Ohio.

To learn more about being a volunteer co-facilitator for an Alzheimer’s caregiver support group near you, or for details on other Association programs and services, contact Dever at[email protected] or call (740) 578-4382.