July 26, 2024

Meigs Health Department to utilize online COVID-19 vaccination registration

POMEROY, Ohio – The Meigs County Health Department will immediately begin online COVID-19 vaccination registration through the State of Ohio Vaccine Management Solution website. Access to the registration system can be found on the Meigs County Health Department website at www.meigs-health.com or the state of Ohio webpage at gettheshot.coronavirus.ohio.gov

The Meigs County Health Department will continually update vaccination registration dates on the Vaccine Management Solution website as they are scheduled. In addition, the Meigs County Health Department website will list the vaccination dates with the vaccine brand being provided to allow individuals the ability to get their desired vaccine. 

With vaccination opening up to all adults in the State of Ohio on March 26 the Meigs County Health Department feels it is necessary to utilize the Vaccine Management Solution webpage to best manage our vaccine administration. The health department in conjunction with community volunteers will continue to administer vaccines via a drive-thru process at the Meigs County Fairgrounds, and plan to add additional evening and weekend vaccination clinics to meet the needs of our community. 

Anyone with questions on the vaccine registration process can contact the Meigs County Health Department at 740-992-6626.