July 27, 2024

The Church Mouse: Do Not Forget the Lord

“Be careful not to forget the Lord.” – Deuteronomy 6:12

Do you ever forget things? I do! 

I like to play a game called “make a grocery list”. Then you leave the list on the kitchen table and go to the store and try to guess what is in the list at home. However, it makes me mad when I forget really important things and then remember them later. Let me tell you a little story about Morris, the monkey.

“Morris, the monkey was a very forgetful monkey. He forgot everything. He would forget where he parked his car. He would forget to eat lunch. He would forget to take a bath or brush his teeth. He would even forget to say his prayers. He was very forgetful.

One day Morris’ mother said to him, “Be careful when you’re out playing in the jungle. There is a lion out there who likes to eat monkeys for lunch. And because you are so forgetful I am going to tie a string around your finger to remind you.” So Morris went out to play.

It was not long before he saw his friend, the baboon. The baboon noticed the string on Morris’ finger and said, “Why do you have a string tied to your finger?” Morris said, “To help me remember things.” The baboon was impressed, and he went on his way.

A little while later Morris saw his friend, the elephant. The elephant noticed the string on Morris’ finger and said, “Why do you have a string tied to your finger?’ Morris said, “To help me remember things.” The elephant said, “Elephants don’t need strings: they never forget anything.” The elephant went on his way.

Later, Morris ran into his friend, the parrot. Of course, the parrot noticed the string and said, “Why do you have a string tied to your finger?” Morris said, ‘It is to help me remember stuff.” The parrot said, “Remember what?” Morris said, “Hummmm….I forget!”

The parrot laughed and flew away.

A little while later Morris was skipping down the path when along came the lion. Morris noticed that the lion had a string tied around his paw, so he said to the lion, “Why do you have a string tied around your paw?” The lion said, “To remind me to eat lunch.”

All of a sudden Morris remembered why he had a string tied around his finger! He jumped up into the trees and swung away as fast as he could. And ever since that day Morris never needed that string again.”

We all forget things sometimes. But the Bible tells us there’s one thing we need to make sure we never forget. “Be careful not to forget the Lord.”

We all remember the Lord when we are in trouble-–like when satan is about to eat us for lunch. But when things are going well it is awfully easy to forget all about God. Maybe we should all tie a string around our finger. What do you think? Maybe it would be better to just pray?

Prayer – “Father God, we forget things all the time. But please help us never to forget You, God and never to forget your Son, Jesus. We thank and praise You, God for all the good things in our lives. We pray this in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.”

the Church Mouse 

Work hard…Pray harder!