July 26, 2024

Tim Ihle, current Meigs County Commissioner and Candidate on the Republican Ballot for County Commissioner. Submitted photo.

Ihle Appointed to Fill Treasurer’s Seat

POMEROY, Ohio – Following a recent meeting of the Meigs County Republican Central Committee, Tim Ihle has been chosen to fill the seat left open after the passing of Peggy Yost. Ihle was chosen to fill the position now and also serve as the party’s nominee for the ballot in November.

Due to the time left in Yost’s term, there needed to be an appointment to fill the position and the Meigs County Republican Central Committee voted to have Ihle be their candidate as well for the remainder two years on Yost’s term. Yost passed away on June 2, 2022. Yost had been employed by Meigs County since 1999, serving as deputy treasurer. She was elected as treasurer in 2008. She was reelected repeatedly, most recently in 2020. She was an active member of the county’s Republican party.

Presently, there are issues for the office concerning tax delinquency that will need to be addressed by Ihle coming into the position. Ihle has been involved in the challenges facing the Meigs County Treasurers Office in his capacity on the Meigs County Board of Commissioners.

The Committee asked those interested in the appointment to submit letter stating their interest and then each was given time to speak before the vote by the committee. Four individuals expressed interest, BJ Kreesen, Janet Life, Brian Swann and Ihle.

Ihle spoke first and talked about the ongoing discussion with the State of Ohio on the delinquencies in the county. He spoke about understanding the business of the county and having a good working relationship with the Auditor’s Office as well as the rest of the county offices. “I know what needs to be done and how to do it,” Ihle stated.

Kreesen spoke next. She outlined meeting with township, village and other officials. She spoke of updating the systems for the office and utilizing social media and the internet for delinquency lists. “This position directly effects our livelihoods,” Kreseen said.

Life told the committee about her experience with education and being a township fiscal clerk for 12 years. Swann was not in attendance.

Both Kreseen and Life spoke from prepared statements while Ihle spoke without a prepared statement. Following each brief speech, the committee voted to move into executive session briefly. Once they returned, they held the vote via secret ballot with each person voting one at a time in a different room. The results were: Ihle, 17; Kreseen, 6; Life, 3; Swann, 1.

Ihle thanked the committee for the appointment. He said he had hoped they had noticed a difference in the county in the previous 12 years he has served as a county commissioner.

Ihle will be taking office, leaving his seat on the Meigs County Board of Commissioners vacant. The Meigs County Republican Party will have to choose a replacement for the position. The process will need to be repeated with the Meigs County Republican Party asking for letters of interest to fill the seat. Ihle was not seeking reelection for the Board of Commissioners position. Currently, the county is awaiting paperwork from the state for the actual swearing in for Ihle to be Meigs County Treasurer. Tonya Griffin is serving as Treasurer Pro Tem until Ihle can officially be sworn in.