July 26, 2024

Drug Take Back Events Scheduled for April 22

On Saturday, April 22, 2023 from 10am-12noon there will be Drug Take Back events in Gallia, Jackson, and Meigs Counties, Ohio. This is the fourth annual event where individuals are welcome to bring their expired or unused prescriptions to the Holzer Center for Cancer Care in Gallipolis, Holzer Meigs Emergency Department, or the Holzer Clinic Jackson facility on Pattsonville Road.  

The event has been scheduled to mirror the DEA Nation Drug Take Back Day Program, which began in September of 2010. Since then, the DEA reports collecting over 15 million pounds of drugs through these events. The local events, over three years, have collected approximately 1,000 pounds of drugs. The local sites also serve as a disposal site for sharps (lancets and needles) as well as illicit drugs with no questions asked. 

Drug-take-back days are an opportunity to take action to make our communities safer and healthier. Removing prescriptions (human and pet), over the counter medications from your medicine cabinets will help reduce the chances of drug abuse or accidental misuse. Young adults and children won’t have the opportunity to access prescription medications.

These collection days present an opportunity to make an environmental impact as flushing drugs down the sink or toilet pollutes our rivers, streams, and groundwater which can harm wildlife and humans. Wastewater treatment plants and septic systems are not designed to eliminate the contaminants produced by prescription medications.

These collection sites could not happen without the volunteer efforts of all parties involved. Currently, involved groups include Gallia County Sheriff’s Department, Jackson Sheriff’s Department, Jackson Police Dept., Meigs Sheriff’s Department, Holzer Health System, Hopewell Health, Gallia/Jackson/Meigs County Health Departments, Cardinal Recovery, ADAMH board, Donna McNerlin’s team at Howard Hanna Real Estate, Gallia HOPE, Jackson SPARC, and Meigs County Prevention Coalition.

These sites serve as a great opportunity to dispose of expired and unneeded drugs from your homes as well as gain some education and information from the groups that put this event together. If you are unable to make it to one of these sites and still need drug disposal, there are collection bins available year-round at each county sheriff’s department. You may also request Deterra Drug Deactivation bags from the ADAMH Board or local health departments.

For any additional questions, please contact [email protected] or call (740) 446-5901.