May 1, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Voters asked to vote ‘yes’ on Sunday sales in Pomeroy Precinct 1

Letter to Editor,

Tuesday November 7 is Election Day. There wil be an issue on the ballot to ask the voters in Pomeroy, Precint 1 for permission to allow the local Eagles Club to sell liquor on Sundays. We are asking for your “YES” vote on this issue.

The Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie #2171 is located at 224 East Main Street in Pomeroy, Ohio. This non-profit organization was chartered in 1934, making it one of the oldest businesses in Meigs County. Our mission as a non-profit organization is to help youth, seniors and our communities. To accomplish our mission, we have made donations $80,000 in just the past four years. The beneficiaries of these donations include schools, villages, law enforcement, youth sports leagues, the Senior Citizens Center and veteran’s ogranizations. We have also given substantial financial assistance to the Pomeroy Blues and Jazz Society and the Pomeroy Sternwheel Regatta. Our goal is to be a positive influence in the everyday lives of the residents of Pomeroy and the surrounding areas.

The Eagles and our Ladies Auxiliary both award a $1,500 scholarship to graduates of local high schools tht are descendants of our active members. We strive to be a good “citizen” in the community and have recently painted our entire building. We have also participated in Treat Street since its inception.

The money for us to make these donations comes from our members purchasing food and beverages, fundraising events and membership dues. Unfortunately, each of the last 4 years has seen a decline in th money available for donations. We are hoping that a Sunday liquor license will increase members’ attendance and reverse this money trend.

Your “YES” vote will allow us to continue to help our community. We thank you for your consideration of this issue.


John Lehew, President
Jack Stanley, Vice President
Steve Henderson, Secretary
Kenny Utt, Treasurer
Jimmie Johnson, Trustee
Larry Burns, Trustee