September 11, 2024

2020 Poultry Show at the Meigs County Fair

ROCKSPRINGS, Ohio – The Meigs County Junior Fair Poutlry Show was held in the Ridenour Livestock Arena featuring several breeds and species.

The Grand Champion Chicken Showman was Landen Woods with Lucas Finlaw taking Reserve.

Kendall Schagel had the Grand Champion Fancy Poultry. Landen Woods was the Reserve Champion.

Grand Champion Duck went to Raeven Reedy and Reserve Champion went to Raeann Schagel.

Grand Champion Pigeons went to Lucas Finlaw.

Lucas Finlaw also had the Grand Champion Bantam with Landen Woods taking Reserve Champion.

With Market Chickens, Lucas Finlaw earned the Grand Champion. Reserve was Zoey Barnhart. Rounding out the top five overall: third, Levi Williams; fourth, Cooper Schagel; fifth, Kendall Schagel.

In Turkey showmanship, Rachel Jackson was Grand Champion and Raeven Reedy was Reserve Champion.

With Market Turkeys, the Grand Champion went to Bryant Mohler and the Reserve Champion was Rachel Jackson. Rounding out the top five market turkeys were: third, Raeven Reedy; fourth, Hannah Jackson; fifth, Emma Doczi.

The following photos are by Carrie Rose, Meigs Independent Press. For more on the Poultry Show see the live video links below the photos.